Gastric volvulus dilation (GDV) is a serious disease and is fatal if left untreated. GDV is commonly referred to as “bloating” and occurs when a dog`s stomach fills with gas, food or liquid and subsequently twists. GDV develops without warning and can progress rapidly. It is always an emergency. In GDV, a dog`s stomach revolves around itself and is twisted at both ends (this is the “Volvulus”). Often we do not know why or how the twist takes place, but when it happens, it completely blocks the escape of gas, liquid and other contents from the stomach to the stomach. To keep your dog companion healthy, it helps to know the signs of stomach problems in dogs and what you can do when they occur. The effect of swollen stomach is that it presses on all other vital organs nearby. Breathing becomes difficult, and if the large blood vessels in the abdomen are so compressed that they cannot allow blood circulation, other organs will begin to close. The stomach wall and spleen can become necrotic or dead due to the loss of blood flow, which releases toxins into the bloodstream. It is very painful, and if it is not corrected, the dog will die.

“The problem is that it can become a GDV at any time, with the stomach rotating and rotating around its axis,” says Dr. Luschini. “The pet owner won`t know when this will happen. This makes monitoring a swollen condition at home a very dangerous thing for a homeowner. There are a few preventative measures you should consider when feeding your dog to avoid bloating. Hello, stomach twisting also tends to lead to vomiting and the disease can also progress rapidly. The stomach area swells considerably, and often the dog tries to feel comfortable. She may be obstructed by what you say about her stool, or something more serious is happening. Given her age, if she has not improved, it is best to go back to the veterinarian and have her re-examined.

Dave RVN dry food can cause bloating in dogs, especially if it is consumed in large quantities at a time or if a dog trains quickly after eating. However, canned or human food can also cause bloating and stomach rotation. If the bloating caused the dog`s stomach to turn over, the veterinarian should turn to emergency surgery known as ggastropexia. In this operation, the veterinarian will make an incision to enter the dog`s abdominal cavity, called a laparotomy. Then they will reverse the twisting of the stomach. If the stomach is dark, gastric resection is necessary. If your dog experiences a shock, the veterinarian will use fluids or an intravenous infusion. Bloating or gastric volvulus dilation (GDV) can cause stomach torsion and stomach torsion, which is life-threatening. This happens when the stomach turns on itself when it is filled with gas, food or liquid. The stomach expands and puts pressure on other organs, blocking the esophagus and being able to trap blood in the stomach, thereby limiting blood flow to the heart and gastric mucosa. Bloating can also tear a stomach wall and cause breathing difficulties. Knowing the symptoms can be crucial for your dog`s survival.

According to the ASPCA, “Even with immediate treatment, about 25% to 40% of dogs die from this medical emergency.” (07/11/15) Some sources cite him as the second most common killer of dogs after cancer. The reasons for the occurrence of this condition are not fully understood, but there are some known and definitive risk factors. The condition occurs mainly in large breeds, especially those with a deep-chested shape such as Great Danes, German Shepherds, Setters, Wolfhounds and Boxers, but these are not the only breeds affected. This also happens more often (but not exclusively) in dogs over 7 years of age, and it is more common in men than in women. The risks increase when the stomach is very full, whether with food or with water, so a dog that is fed once a day and eats very quickly, or that has access to the food load and devours itself, would be more at risk. Exercising after eating or after a large drink also increases the risk. Gastric dilation and volvulus, also known as bloating, twisting of the stomach and twisted stomach, refer to the stretching and twisting of the stomach. It occurs when the stomach fills with gas, liquid or food, causing it to swell. It then rotates 180 to 360 degrees on itself – called volvulus. Twisting causes the swollen stomach to press on the large blood vessels and disrupts blood flow to the internal organs, including stopping blood flow to the stomach and spleen. Dogs that suffer from GDV quickly enter a state of shock. It can also affect breathing because the swelling restricts the movement of the chest.

Treatment for GDV should be sought as soon as possible to increase the dog`s chances of survival. The severity of the case determines the treatment recommendation for the affected dog. At VMC, we strive to quickly confirm the diagnosis, pay attention to the patient`s comfort (releasing as much gas pressure as possible and with painkillers) and stabilize and prepare for surgery quickly. Dogs that are swollen without Volvulus usually cannot be treated surgically. I don`t know if my dog (11 years and older) is showing signs of stomach twisting. She shows discomfort when I touch her belly and sometimes her chest. She passes in front of a small chair and most of the time she is dry. She now has weekly legs, but still walks, less actively. I took them to the vet, but they didn`t notice anything strange. I am from Sri Lanka and our veterinary care is not as developed. I hope you can help me.

While a mild case (very rarely) can go away on its own, the only reliable treatment is surgery to decompress (empty) the stomach, then put it back in its correct position and sew it in place to prevent it from twisting. .